Ard Dyar

A keyword combination of FRAMING HOME

In April 2021, I dove into the world of Blender head first, spending around 10 hours on this project.

Home is “safety,” and safe spaces are impermanent. Shelters can be confiscated in the glimpse of an eye. In this piece, I wanted to frame the experience of leaving behind the different homes I have lived in, and they could have transformed, over time, If they had not been taken away from me. 

Design Choices

The idea of the piece is to represent a Damascene courtyard with a water fountain, and a living room for the family and guests. I then started experimenting with lighting and camera positions, where I should have started with the modelling first.

Next Steps…

I worked on a Mosaïc piece from scratch, and extruded the vertices to add thickness. I then assigned a wooden material to it, and used the wooden pieces in 3 different places.

Final Touches

I worked on a Mosaïc piece from scratch, and extruded the vertices to add thickness. I then assigned a wooden material to it, and used the wooden pieces in 3 different places.